Saturday, March 17, 2012

It's Time To Fill The Grill!

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With temperatures reaching into the 60's and 70's this week, many people around the North Shore will be firing off their grills for the first time in a while. Make sure you're ready to enjoy this unseasonably warm March with a fully fired up grill! Did you ever consider getting a grill box installed?  The grill box hooks your household tank to your propane grill for your grilling convenience. Call us today to get your grill box, before the premature winter begins! (This is New England. You never know!)

Not interested in a grill box? We have several locations available around the North Shore to get your propane tank filled. Visit our headquarters in Peabody, or one of our dealers!

Holden's Mobil-Peabody (7am-5pm, Every Day)
Tony's Mobil-Gloucester
Building Center-Gloucester
Building Center-Essex
Smith Hardware-Rockport
Wolf Hill-Ipswich
Knight Oil-Salisbury
Manchester Hardware-Manchester By The Sea
Pearson Hardware-Byfield

There's nothing worse then leaving half cooked steaks on the grill because you ran out of propane! Hurry in today!

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