Thursday, November 18, 2010

High Efficiency Mobile Home Heating

For those customers of Holden Oil that are in Mobile Homes, ThemoPride- one of the best names in furnaces- has developed a 95% efficient replacement furnace powered by propane gas. This is nearly a 20% increase in efficiency compared to most of the furnaces in use now on the North Shore. Holden Oil has been installing these units for the past year and the ThermoPride Furnaces have proven to be extremely reliable. These units are great for replacement of an existing older propane or kerosene furnace.

Efficiency is the name of the game in heating equipment. Whether you are looking to upgrade an oil boiler or furnace heating your whole home or just a propane space heater, new high efficiency heating units can pay for themselves through energy savings in no time. Holden Oil's team of technicians are ready to help you with all your heating needs. Heating Oil, Propane, Kerosene, Bioheat- what ever you use, we can help you find the right heating equipment for your specific need.

1 comment:

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